The Emigration of Muslims from the Greek state in the 19th century. An Outline
By Krzysztof Popek, Ph.D Although Greece itself does not want to be treated as one of the Balkan countries, the Greek experience of the period…
“To Get Rid of Turks”. The South-Slavic States and Muslim Remigration in the Turn of 1870s and 1880s
By Krzysztof Popek, Ph.D The Great Eastern Crisis (1875–1878) led to migrations on an incomparable scale in the Balkan Peninsula. The Russian-Turkish War of 1877–1878…
Liberation and exile: The fate of civilians during the Russo-Turkish War of 1877–1878 in Bulgarian and Turkish historiography
by Krzysztof Popek, Ph.D The Russo-Turkish War of 1877–1878 is traditionally called the “Liberation War” by Bulgarians. The conflict led to gaining freedom from the…
Der schwarze Rauch über Karatepe
Griechische Streitkräfte begingen am Abend des 18. Februar 1922 in dem Bergdorf Karatepe/Aydın einen Massenmord an der einheimischen Bevölkerung, der zu einem Synonym für Grauen…
Aserbaidschan: Gedenken an Massaker “Schwarzer Januar”
Baku – Am 20. Januar 1990 demonstrierten Tausende von Aserbaidschanern für Demokratie, Freiheit und die Unabhängigkeit von der Sowjetunion. Wie zuvor in anderen Sowjetrepubliken lehnten…
„The German perception of the Caucasus Region during World War One in regard to ‚space’ and ethnical tensions”, Dirk Reitz, Ph.D
Historian & Political ScientistScientific Advisory Board Member, Research Institute for Mezalim From the 1830ies military relations between the Ottoman Empire and Germany, in this case…
A Political Project Built on Massacre: Declaration of Armenian Independence in Erzurum (1918)
by Tolga Başak, Prof. Dr., Erzurum Atatürk University The massacres committed by Armenian Militias against the local Muslim population consisted by Turks, Kurds and Arabs,…
Das Schicksal der Muslime und osmanischer Kulturgüter in Griechenland
Das Osmanische Reich musste nach dem Türkisch-Russischen Krieg (1877-1878) und der Unterzeichnung des Berliner Vertrags diese Gebiete an Griechenland abtreten. Allerdings unter der Bedingung, dass…
Jeremy Salt The Last Ottoman Wars: The Human Cost, 1877-1923
Rezensiert für Forschungseinrichtung für Mezalim (FEM) von Ilker Akgül In seinem Buch „The Last Ottoman Wars: The Human Cost, 1877-1923“ behandelt Prof. Jeremy Salt das…